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“Gifted, Skilled, Compassionate, Caring, and Dedicated”

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    Dr. Lessard

    Dr. Lessard in surgery

    Prix 2012

    Dr. L. Lessard
    Double Certifié Chirurgien Plasticienne
    Chirurgienne Craniofaciale (Craniofacial Fellowship)

    Dr. Lessard est dédiée à offrir à ses patients des Chirurgies Plastiques Esthétiques de haut niveau, comme Chirurgienne Faciale et Craniofaciale:

    Etudes de Spécialités:

    • Études de Chirurgie Plastique aux Etats-Unis, Boston, Harvard Université.
    • Fellowship Européen en Chirurgie Craniofaciale après la Chirurgie Plastique en Suède et à Paris (Dr/Mr. Tessier – aussi chirurgien-Prof invité à Harvard)
    • Expérience Clinique de plusieurs années en tant que Chirurgienne Plasticienne.
    • Microchirurgienne de reconstruction complexe de cancer et de trauma.
    • 20 ans de Microchirurgie de Réimplantation.
    • Chirurgienne Craniofaciale (congenital/cancer et trauma) à l’Université McGill:
      RVH/Glen: Royal Victoria, MGH: Hôpital Général de Montréal (Centre de Trauma Level 1), MCH/Glen, Shriners/Glen et l’Institut Neurologique de Montréal (MNI).
    • 12 ans Chef/Chair de Chirurgie Plastique – CUSM/McGill U pour les hôpitaux suivant: MGH,RVH,Lachine,MCH,Shriners,MNI.

    Pratique de Chirurgie Plastique et Professeur

    A l’Hôpital Shriners “Hôpital d’Excellence” dans sa pratique pédiatrique, Dr. Lessard a opéré des enfants référés à l’Unité de Montréal venant de la Grèce, du Vietnam (voir article de La Gazette – Photos incluses) etc ayant des conditions très sévères depuis plusieurs années, avec des chirurgies très complexes.

    Elle a implémenté en 1996 la nouvelle technique de BAHA provenant de la Suède dès son retour de son Fellowship Craniofacial Suédois, pour les enfants nés sans oreille et ni canal auditif (160 cas opérés).

    Au niveau International Clinique, Dr. Lessard a fait du travail chirurgical au Tiers-Monde, aux Philippines en Missions Chirurgicales avec Operation Smile en opérant des enfants nés avec des “bec-de-lièvres” (fentes palatines et labiales), des cas de craniofacial et des brûlés.

    En 2004, Dr Lessard a fait une émission de télévisionThe Surgeon pour le Discovery Health Channel. Elle a été choisie parmi plusieurs chirurgiens de différentes spécialités par l’Equipe de Production du Canal qui l’a ensuite suivi et filmé dans ses salles d’Opérations (RVH, MNI, Shriners, et MGH) pendant une semaine pour bâtir l’émission de television en Francais et en Anglais. (Voir la fenêtre noire Vidéo au bas).

    En 2010, elle a réalisé un de ses grands rêves: comme Fondateur du premier et unique Fellowship de Chirurgie Craniofaciale au MUHC/McGill en Chirurgie Plastique couvrant tous les aspects de cette Surspécialité (congénital, cancer & trauma).  Dr.Lessard est maintenant Directeur du Fellowship International et Professeur depuis.

    En 2012, Dr. Lessard a reçu le “Grand Prix d’ Excellence du Royal College of Surgeons.” (voir section des diplômes).

    “Prix d’Excellence reçu ‘reconnaissant l’engagement de longue date envers la
    santé et le bien-être des patients pour son intégrité professionnelle et personnelle ‘ ”

    En 2013, Dr.Lessard a obtenu “The Best Paper of the Year” avec une des ses publications scientifiques dans le Journal of Craniofacial Surgery en présentant une de ses innovations combinant ses talents en microchirurgie en interface avec la chirurgie craniofaciale, tout un honneur dans ce Journal americain et international de grande qualité de la communauté scientifique mondiale.

    Dr. Lessard a supervisé plus de 15 residents-étudiants à la Maîtrise MSc en innovation et en chirurgie expérimentale académique à l’Université McGill/CUSM, un Premier Prix au Research Council PSRC, plusieurs Prix avec ses étudiants ainsi qu’un Brevet Américain avec succès.

    En 2016, (comme membre Fondateur de ICOPLAST) et pour 4 ans, Dr. Lessard a été votée Chair of Education for the Organization Internationale ICOPLAST qui regroupe 60 pays, 25,000 chirurgiens plasticiens. Dr. Lessard a organisé, présenté et invité les meilleurs chirurgiens Professeurs pour ses Congrès Scientifiques à Luxor, Egypte, Seoul, Korée du Sud, Waterloo-Bruxelles, Belgique, Lima, Péru, Dubai – Emirates etc. pour garder l’éducation et les connaissances scientifiques à un haut niveau pour ICOPLAST. A Dubai World Congrès 2023, elle a organisé et présenté le Chapitre-Section des Fractures Faciales incluant une addition pour les blessures de guerre du visage (Craniofacial Trauma Ukraine).

    En tant que Professeur Universitaire, elle a participé activement  dans la formation chirurgicale de plus de 120 Residents Gradués et FRCSCs à McGill.

    Localement au niveau Canadien, Dr. Lessard a été Examinateur au Collège Royal pour les Examens de Spécialités FRCSC pendant 10 ans.

    Consultations et Services Esthétiques

    En tant que chirurgien doublement Certifié au Collège Royal (FRCSC, FRCSC), en Otorhinolaryngology-Cervicofacial/Plastie faciale et en Chirurgie Plastique au complet, avec un Fellowship complémentaire de Chirurgie Craniofaciale: esthétique et de reconstruction, Dr. Lessard a une expertise UNIQUE (OTL et Chirurgie Plastique) pour les Chirurgies du * Nez/Rhinoplasties. Ce qui englobe: les septoplasties, les septorhinoplasties, les Rhinoplasties pour des raisons esthétiques et fonctionnelles

    Dr. Lessard offre à ses patients une grande expertise dans les chirurgies esthétiques des paupières et les facelifts (lifting) ainsi que les liftings du front par endoscopie avec très petites cicatrices.

    Botox & Injections: A part des chirurgies, Dr. Lessard a 20 ans d’expérience avec les techniques non-chirurgicales de rajeunissement incluant: Botox, Fillers like Juvederm, Volift, Restylane, Teosyal etc réalisées au bureau privé sur place.

    Pour les patientes désirant une réduction des seins et/ou un Lift (mastopexie), Dr.Lessard utilise la nouvelle technique de Réduction Verticale avec moins de cicatrices que l’ancienne technique Horizontale pour les seins (depuis 15 ans).

    Consultations et Rendez-Vous:

    Pour prendre une consultation avec Dr.Lessard SVP téléphonez au 514-887-4060
    Par courriel: pour les chirurgies esthétiques adultes.

    Pour les Enfants/Pédiatrique: Otoplastie, Rhinoplastie, Gynécomastie, Seins (BBR) et Reconstructions Oreilles incluant BAHA et OSIA
    Shriners: 514-282-7159 MCH: Montreal Children Hospital 514-934-1934 ext: 24309

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  • English

    Dr. Lessard

    Dr. Lessard in surgery

    Prix 2012

    Dr. L. Lessard
    Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
    Craniofacial Plastic Surgeon (Craniofacial Fellowship)

    Dr. Lessard is dedicated to offer the best level Plastic Surgery to her patients based on her Specialties surgical training and experience:

    • Outstanding US Plastic Surgery training in Boston, Harvard University
    • Solid European Craniofacial Fellowship in Sweden & Paris (Dr/Mr Tessier),
    • Her Exceptional High Volume Clinical Experience of many years as a plastic surgeon/microsurgery & replant surgeon and craniofacial surgeon Professor (congenital/trauma and tumor) at McGill & the Neuro (MNI)
      • Microsurgeon for Complex Cancer & Trauma Cases (Level I trauma MGH)

      • More than 20 years of complex replant hand cases & Microsurgery

      • Craniofacial Surgeon (Congenital, Cancer & Trauma) at McGill Hospitals      (MCH,Shriners & RVH) and the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI).

    • As the 12 years Former Chief/Chair of Plastic Surgery MUHC/McGill: MGH, RVH, MNI, MCH Glen & Shriners

    At the Shriners, in her Pediatric practice “Hôpital d’Excellence”, she has operated on children referred to the Montreal Unit from Greece, Vietnam, Pakistan with severe conditions for many years and has implemented a unique Swedish technique BAHA upon return of her Craniofacial Swedish fellowship (160 BAHA done).

    At the International Clinical Level, Dr. Lessard volunteered in Third World Countries Asia in the Philippines on Surgical missions with Operation Smile operating on Children born with Cleft lip/Cleft Palate, Craniofacial deformities and burns.

    In 2004, Dr Lessard was chosen by the Discovery Health Channel for the TV Program: “The Surgeon” for which she was followed in her operating rooms for a full week to produce this surgical Televised Program “The Surgeon”

    In 2010, she realized one of her dreams:

    Founding the International McGill Comprehensive Pediatric & Adult Craniofacial Fellowship (Congenital, Cancer & Trauma) in Plastic Surgery at McGill University. Dr. Lessard, as the Founder, is now the Director of the CF Fellowship for over 10 years.

    In 2016, Dr. Lessard received:  “The Great Prize of Excellence from the Royal College of Surgeons”.

    Prize of excellence of the Royal College given to Dr.Lessard ‘to recognize long standing commitment to the health and well-being of individuals and society through professional and personal integrity’.

    As of 2016, Dr. Lessard was voted as Chair of Education for the International organization ICOPLAST which regroups 60 countries, 25,000 plastic surgeons, for 4 years. Dr. Lessard in that function at the International was initially voted by her Canadian Colleagues CSPS to represent Canada internationally.

    Dr. Lessard brought the best Professors for her ICOPLAST scientific meetings and Scientific Programs in Luxor, Egypt, Seoul, South Korea, Waterloo/Brussels, Belgium, Lima, Peru, Dubai etc. all this to keep education and scientific knowledge at a high level at all time. After that term, she was voted as Treasurer (2 yrs Term) as a Board Member. She is still very active as a Board Member with ICOPLAST – 5 Continents and was one of the initial Founding members in Frankfurt.

    In 2013, with an innovative microsurgical technique in craniofacial surgery and published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, Dr. Lessard’s paper & Innovation was chosen by the Editorial Board as “The Best Paper of the Year” quite an honour.

    As an Academic University Professor Surgeon, she has supervised more than 15 Master’s Degrees MSc in Experimental Surgery, received regular Prizes (CSPS, US-PSRC etc) with her students/Residents and obtained a US patent with one of her invention. As a Professor, she has participated and supervised surgically more than 120 Plastic Surgery Residents and FRCSC at McGill University in her career so far.

    She steadily publishes and presents scientifically in Basic Sciences and Clinical Research locally and worldwide representing McGill University Internationally since many years. As an Invited Guest Speakers and a Visiting University Professor across Canada and in Asia, Dr. Lessard has seen many Plastic Surgery Centres in the World and brings new ideas steadily at McGill.

    Locally at the Canadian Level, Dr.Lessard was a Royal College Examiner for 10 years and is a Double FRCSCs Boards Certified.

    In summary, as a Double-Boards Certified Plastic Surgeon with 2 Royal College Certifications in ENT-Cervicofacial and full Plastic Surgery as well as a fellowship in Craniofacial Surgery: Esthetic and Reconstructive, Dr. Lessard has special extra skills to offer excellent Safe Nose Surgeries (Septoplasties, Septorhinoplasties and Rhinoplasties for Esthetic corrections while insuring excellent breathing), a Unique Expertise in Montreal and Canada. She also performs Blepharoplasties (eyelids surgery) with or without browlift and facelifts, Otoplasties, Breast lift and body contouring surgeries etc.

    In addition to surgeries, Dr. Lessard has 20 years of experience with non-surgical minimally invasive facial improvements like Botox, Fillers like Juvederm, Volift, Teosyal, Restylane etc done in her office.

    Patients for Breast reduction and Breast lifts are offered the newest Vertical BBR Technique with minimal scars, abdominoplasties and breast augmentations.

    For an Adult & Esthetic Appointment please call: 514-887-4060
    Or by email:

    For Pediatric Otoplasty, Gynecomastia, Rhinoplasty, Teenagers BBR Breast Reductions and Ear Reconstructions:
    Call the Shriners: 514-282-7159
    Montreal Children Hospital: 514-934-1934 ext: 24309

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If God sent angels with knowledge on earth, she must be one of them & the best. She is what humanity needs. I hope that they were many like her. Many years ago, she did my breast reconstruction after another, very well known plastic surgeon, had made my life very difficult for 9 years. She also did my carpel tunnel surgeries 20 years ago & I never had any problems since. All I can say is that she gave me back a quality of life. May God bless you always Dr. Lessard.

Dr.Lessard’s artistry is her “tool” that moulded my face after my terrible car accident in 1994. Her aesthetic touch compliments her diversified knowledge in her reconstructive and regenerative specialty. Her humanity towards her patients, allows for trust to be established. Prior my major surgery she never wanted to see a photo of me from before. After one reconstructive in 1996, 2 derma-brassions ( 1998-2000) and 1 laser treatment (2001) to my face; and one scar reduction to my knee and scar tissue detachment from bone (1998), there are virtually no scar traces on my face and I move more funcfionally. Im ME!!!!! Thank you Dr.Lessard for your understated but reassuring strength.

Gifted, skilled, compassionate, caring, and dedicated…..Dr Lessard is one of a kind. She has set the bar very high. I can attribute my survival and recovery to Dr Lessard.

Injectables: Botox & Fillers (minimally invasive non-surgical)

Botox to decrease/eliminate the presence of wrinkles

As we age, many changes occur that cause us to look older. Our skin loses its elasticity, and we begin to develop fine lines and wrinkles that are especially noticeable on our faces. Injectables provide patients with a more youthful and rested appearance by

decreasing fine lines, wrinkles, and deep lines on the forehead.

Fillers: Juvederm, Volift, Restylane & Teosyal (KISS)

Deeper creases and folds, hollows, shallow contours, recessed scars, and thin lips are not addressed by Botox but by HA fillers which do have a 1-2 years duration.

Dr.Lessard – as a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with 20 years of Injectables experience – will first evaluate you meticulously to determine the best injectable(s) which meet your individual needs and achieve your goals of rejuvenation to achieve a younger looking appearance depending on your skin texture and specific aging areas.

Blepharoplasty (Eyelids surgery)

Eyelid surgery, also known as “blepharoplasty,” is a procedure that rejuvenates the appearance of the upper and/or lower eyelids. Loose skin that causes sagging, eyelids hooding and wrinkles are removed, and fat deposits that cause bags and puffiness are removed or repositioned.
As the muscles and other tissues are tightened, the eyes attain a refreshed and invigorated appearance.
It improves vision as well in some severe cases, especially comfort while reading.


Facelift surgery, technically known as a “rhytidectomy/meloplasty” is a cosmetic procedure designed to provide a more youthful facial appearance.
Over time, sun exposure, heredity, gravity, stress, and environmental conditions take a toll on our skin and cause us to look noticeably older.
A facelift decreases signs of aging in the face and addresses the neck and rejuvenates to an appearance of youth.
It is important to plan a good consultation to assess and address all the facial components with a full facelift.

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) & Septorhinoplasty by Dr.Lessard:
Double Board Certified Royal College Plastic Surgeon
(ENT & full Plastic Surgery Certifications)

Nose surgery, also known as “rhinoplasty,” is a procedure designed to improve the size and shape of the nose while simultaneously correcting breathing problems associated with the nasal passages. As the central feature of the face, the nose plays a significant role in determining overall facial harmony. Rhinoplasty helps create a nose that is in balance with the rest of the face by correcting the unsatisfactory outcomes of genetic deformities or traumatic nose injuries.
Dr. Lessard works specifically to produce a natural look to the nose, proportionate to your face while providing good airways specially with her ENT background.
Dr. Lessard has published on this topic key scientific papers still used as references on the anatomy of the nose to establish proper concepts in the Scientific Surgical Literature.

Cosmetic Ear Surgery & Otoplasty

Otoplasty is a procedure that improves the size, shape and position of the ears. In children, outstanding ears do affect the self esteem and it does have a negative impact psychologically.
Otoplasty takes barely more than one hour of surgical time and produces more natural ears well-balanced with the rest of the head and face.

Results from ear reshaping surgery (otoplasty) generally last a lifetime and boosts the patients self confidence specially for children facing negative comments at school because of their outstanding ears.

The surgery is also possible with the same techniques for adults who have not had the opportunity to get it done, it is still considered possible with the same technique but is considered cosmetic.

Ear Reconstruction & Hearing Restoration:

Few children are born without the presence of an ear due to an embryological variant. Total Ear reconstructions are possible and the most classic technique in the world is the use of cartilage (from a portion of the ribs) to carve and produces the typical anatomy of the external ear in the best way.

Plastic Surgeons with special expertise are able to produce excellent results looking natural.

The child with a reconstruction will be able to wear his prescription glasses better as well as sunglasses.

Hearing Restoration: BAHA (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid) and new technology OSIA.

Dr. Lessard MD, FRCSC, FRCSC offers both surgeries in the same time because of her Double Board Certifications in ENT Ear Nose and Throat and her full Plastic Surgery training. She brought back the Swedish new innovative BAHA technique to Quebec and the east part of Canada. In 1996, she operated her first BAHA case before the US, Dr. Lessard has performs 160 cases of BAHA and now has moved to OSIA for children without ear canal and deafness.

Dr. Lessard while in Sweden for her Craniofacial Fellowship, had the opportunity to meet the inventors who trained her surgically as well: Dr. PI Branemark and Dr.Tjellstrom (the BAHA inventor) both in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Many of Dr. Lessard’s patients were surgically given a cartilaginous ear reconstruction in the same time as their BAHA & OSIA.

Breast Lift / Breast Reduction / Breast Implants / Breast Augmentation

Women have many different reasons for choosing breast surgery. Having youthful, uplifted breasts with an attractive shape can improve a woman’s confidence and self-image.
Dr. Lessard introduced the new Vertical Breast Reduction Technique for her patients 15 years ago, this vertical technique (compared to the horizontal older technique) has the advantages of a better breast shape, a better aging shape which is kept with time and less scars (only a vertical component without the large horizontal unpleasant long scars)


Liposuction, is a surgical procedure that eliminates excess fat from areas of the body that are difficult to target with diet and exercise. This procedure restores a more slender, attractive physique with a minimally invasive technique with very small 2-3 millimeters scars.

Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty / “Mommy Makeover”

Tummy tuck surgery, also known as “abdominoplasty,” is a procedure that produces a flatter and more slender abdomen by removing excess skin and fat. This procedure can also tighten stretched abdominal muscles to achieve a more toned midsection.


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Dr. Lessard at the Montreal General Hospital

News Article: No Small Step For Brave young Girl

Dr. Lessard at ICOPLAST World Congress

Dr. Lessard at First ICOPLAST World Congress

Dr. Lessard at icoplast